7 Benefits of Living in a Vibrational Universe

7 Benefits of Living in a Vibrational Universe

  • As a teenager, I have vivid memories of gazing up at the radiant rays of the sun, feeling its warmth penetrate my forehead, and straining my eyes to see beyond my focal point. I often wondered why I felt such a strong desire to uncover the essence behind my smile, the vitality in my step, and the resonance in my voice. Bathed in the sun’s luminosity, I sensed a profound connection, a belonging to something extraordinary that transcended my immediate perception but was within my grasp. Intrigued, I embarked on a quest to unravel the enigma of my connection with the Universe. I delved into ancient wisdom, delved into the study of electrical energy, and observed the choices and reactions of others in various circumstances. Through my exploration, I came to understand that everything in existence vibrates with a specific frequency, submerged in the unfathomable depths of consciousness, and propelled by the universal expression of love and happiness. This vibratory energy underpins our emotions and serves as the prime mover of the particles and waves that animate and sustain all things.

Every morning, as part of my routine, I stretch and reach for the stars while proclaiming, “I am a vibrational being in a vibrational universe.” Recognizing and acknowledging the vibrational power within me is the fastest route to becoming the person I aspire to be. This affirmation cloaks me in invincibility and grants me a sense of liberation that surpasses the boundaries of my imagination. To attune myself to the mysteries of my vibratory self, I frequently pose three fundamental questions:

  1. What are the advantages of sharing the same fundamental essence as the energy that permeates all things and brings life to our world?
  3. How can I harness the inherent vibrational power within me to live a life imbued with purpose and happiness?
  5. What are the Universal Laws governing our existence, and how can I leverage these laws to my benefit?

These questions have served as the wellspring of inspiration, prompting me to compile my top seven benefits of living in a vibrational universe. I invite you to share your own insights in the comments section below.

1. Imagination: The Law of Vibration asserts that everything in the Universe, including our thoughts and feelings, is in constant motion, never at rest. Imagination is the dynamic manifestation of our thoughts, the creative force that propels our existence. We are akin to an ever-moving ocean, experiencing a multitude of conditions. The depth of this ocean symbolizes our imagination, housing limitless possibilities. The intensity of the tides corresponds to our emotions, while the quality of our thoughts dictates the current. When we radiate happiness, we vibrate at a higher frequency, experiencing high tides. Conversely, when sadness prevails, our vibrations lower, resulting in low tides. By consciously focusing on things that bring us joy, we can harness the energy of high tides and mold the world around us. In a vibrational universe, possibilities are boundless, and limitations cease to exist.

2. Universal Support: Imagine yourself driving down the highway, with the window down, resonating with your favorite radio station. Consider the power behind that signal. How do you tap into it? Your receiver must align its vibrations with the radio broadcast transmitter to capture that specific station. This concept closely parallels the workings of the Law of Attraction. By synchronizing frequencies, the Law of Attraction harmonizes our thoughts, ideas, circumstances, and encounters, drawing them into our lives. By embracing our vibrational nature, we gain the ability to shape our lives and point the compass toward happiness simply by radiating joy. When we exude happiness, the Universe responds in kindness, bestowing happiness upon us.

3. Transformation: In junior high science class, I vividly recall my teacher explaining the law of conservation of energy. According to this principle, energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be transformed. We possess the freedom to modify any aspect of the Universe, either by applying our physical energy or by altering our perception. In this infinite universe, we are granted the opportunity to explore and attribute meaning to all things. Change is a constant, and as we continuously move and transform, we foster our existence. Take the time to observe your surroundings and witness the ever-present changes unfolding within all entities. Trees serve as masters of transformation, shedding their leaves and enduring harsh winters, only to bloom into their most splendid selves in the spring. Embracing transformation as a powerful tool of regeneration, trees exemplify how our own transformations can serve us.

4. New Beginnings: Throughout our days, we are predominantly engaged in various activities, such as commuting, cooking, cleaning, and caring for our loved ones. However, it is essential to pause for a few moments, setting aside our perpetual doing and immersing ourselves in the present. The Universe operates in the present moment, and when we ruminate on the past or worry about the future, we do so in the present. Utilizing the power of now, we can balance our thoughts, gather our strength, and adopt a fresh perspective. In the present moment, focus on the things that bring you joy, and commence anew. By training the Universe to manifest the desires of our hearts, we embody those desires in the present. Each moment offers us the chance to be reborn, providing fresh opportunities regardless of our past or expectations for the future. A vibrational universe encompasses boundless love, forgiveness, and peace.

5. Power of Choice: Throughout the day, we encounter an array of choices. When enveloped in sadness, a simple shift in perception and attitude can propel us closer to happiness. When thirsty, we can choose to drink water at extreme temperatures or settle for something in between. In moments of failure, we find the seeds of success. The Law of Polarity asserts that our universe is replete with duality and infinite possibilities. By cleansing the windows of our perception, we gain the ability to recognize the freedom and spontaneity inherent in every choice. These choices enrich our experiences, foster personal growth, and invigorate our imaginations. Exercise your power of choice and select preferences that infuse your life with vibrancy. The Vibrational Universe unconditionally loves you, offering a buffet of options from which you may select with the sole purpose of enhancing your joy.

6. Integration: Attending outdoor events featuring live bands has always been a joyous experience for me. The harmonious interplay of various instruments elevates my vibration and compels my body to sway to the rhythm. Each instrument emits vibrations at different frequencies. When these vibrations converge with a shared intention, beautiful music ensues. The Universe infuses its diversity into all expressions of life. Recognizing our interconnectedness and harnessing the power of integration empowers us to manifest a beautiful reality fueled by intention and passion. In a vibrational universe, diversity equates to unity, and compassion reigns supreme.

7. Proclamation: During my upbringing, my mother instilled in me the belief that a woman without self-respect has nothing to offer or receive from others. I have always guarded the image of myself that I have cultivated in my mind, never allowing anyone, including myself, to tarnish it. By affirming positive statements about myself and my intentions, I become unstoppable. During my college years, I stumbled upon a book by Masaru Emoto called “Messages from Water.” Emoto proposed that vibrations could alter the molecular structure of water. Through his experiments, he discovered that water responded differently to positive and negative words, exhibiting distinct geometric structures influenced by the emotional vibrations of those words. This revelation fascinated me, considering that water comprises over 70% of both the Earth and our bodies. Now, I proclaim every day what I am, irrespective of external circumstances. By feeling good and honoring myself, I create resplendent vibrational structures within, radiating them outwards for the world to see. Isn’t it marvelous that we are vibrational beings?

In summary, acknowledging that we reside in a vibrational universe grants us the power to design the world in which we wish to live. By altering our emotional stance and perception, we can transform ourselves beyond the confines of our imagination. Just as butterflies meticulously plan the growth of their wings, we too can plan our personal transformation and manifest the desired outcome.

Cedes Truth:)  Embrace joy whenever possible and cultivate happiness.



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